Preserve the SLO Life

Recognizing the challenges of community development, Preserve the SLO Life (PTSL) is a community organization committed to protecting the quality of life and environment in the City of San Luis Obispo and surrounding areas. We are not against growth but advocate for responsible growth in a transparent way. Our mission is accomplished through leadership, civic action, education, and fundraising.


Impacts of Community Development

PTSL takes the position that community development means that all community growth impacts including; water, sewer, roads (infrastructure), traffic, noise, biological factors and pollution all should be equally weighted with pure economic factors when development projects are planned, approved and implemented.

Responsible Growth in a Transparent Way

Air Quality
Water Resources
Open space
Environment (creek impacts, trees, biological issues)
Cultural Resources
Traffic & Congestion


Working to Maintain SLO County's Unique Personality by:

  • Providing guidance in creating neighborhood engagement

  • Developing and implementing a strategic plan for responsible change

  • Supporting neighborhood interaction with city and other municipal and regulatory bodies

  • Identifying and developing leaders and neighborhood engagement structures (meetings, agendas, notices, etc.)

  • Navigating city and county processes to achieve neighborhood goals


Ready to take the next step?

We need community members who are willing to help in our endeavor to communicate to all political bodies and advisory groups the “Will of the People”. We need solutions that work for everyone. Please join us in maintaining San Luis Obispo as the most desired place to live!