We will post updated news regarding our projects and issues here.

March, 2021

We have an update under “Issues” “Cannabis”. We are circulating petitions to support an appeal for a marijuana drying facility within 850’ of Los Ranchos School. Please see details!

February, 2021 (email communication)

Hi Friends and Neighbors,

It has been a while since we have given you an update. These are difficult times and we wanted to wait until things improved before contacting you. Preserve the SLO Life in conjunction with Los Verdes Parks I & II filed a lawsuit with the City of SLO and the developers for Froom Ranch. This development is located on LOVR between 101 and Home Depot. Our concerns are traffic at this end of town, noise, environmental impacts on our creeks, etc. We voiced our concerns at the Planning Commission and the City Council, both of which went ahead and approved the project.

They are building a retirement facility, Villaggio, and John Madonna is planning to build 174 homes, a hotel and some commercial space. Our only option was filing a lawsuit to get their attention. We are asking for an updated traffic study on this end of town to include San Luis Ranch, Avila Ranch, Froom Ranch and other smaller developments in the area. Some of the data used in the Froom Ranch FEIR is from 2016. Los Verdes Park I wants to complete a sound wall and Preserve the SLO Life is asking for a contribution to the Buckley Road improvement project. Los Verdes Park II is asking for a 2nd entrance to their park off of So Higuera. These are a few of our requests. For more info, please see Froom Ranch — Preserve the SLO Life

The Buckley Rd “Extension” from Buckley to So Higuera will start after phase 1 of the Avila Ranch Project. This will increase traffic on Buckley Rd and take traffic off Tank Farm Rd. The “Bypass” project is possible in the future which would divert traffic from LOVR around the back side of Los Verdes Park II and connect with the Buckley extension on So Higuera at the Octagon Barn. This all results in increased traffic on Buckley Road. Jim Waldsmith and I are meeting this week with John Waddell (SLO County Deputy Director - Public Works) to discuss the progress on the Buckley Rd Corridor Study. For more info please see Buckley Road Corridor — Preserve the SLO Life

I am a regular attendee at the Zone 9 Flood Control District Advisory Meetings (for the last 4 years) to stay informed about the plan to mitigate the flooding at Vachell Lane and Buckley Rd. You can see the Avila Ranch Large retention basin is half full and the release basin next to Vachell Lane is full. Water experts say this signals a problem with the design. For more info please see Avila Ranch — Preserve the SLO Life

Updates on Hwy 227 roundabouts is on our website. We are following this closely. Please see Highway 227 Corridor — Preserve the SLO Life

We need to raise money to fund our attorney fees and promote Preserve the SLO Life. We have an updated website that will give you updated information on several projects. Please check it out! There are 3 ways to donate which are listed under DONATE!! Your options are to write a check to Preserve the SLO Life or donate via PayPal or GoFundMe.

We are currently waiting to hear from the City of SLO and the developers for a date for a settlement hearing. We would appreciate your help in continuing to advocate for Buckley Rd and the South end of SLO.

Thank you,

Kathy Borland, Sec/treasure Preserve the SLO Life. 655 Buckley Rd. SLO, Ca 93401
Jim Waldsmith, President Preserve the SLO Life


Facebook – Preserve the SLO Life and ask to join.

March 2, 2021 Scary Encounter on Buckley Rd

This was posted on FB and I posted it on NextDoor. Good reminder for all of us to be careful!!!

A guy named Ryan Orr posted this:
SLO County friends, I want to share a terrifying experience I had last Friday night while driving home from work on Buckley Rd. I share this to inform and alert you so you are ready if you are also faced with this scenario.

I was headed home around 10:30pm down Buckley road headed towards Higuera st when a lady jumped out in the middle of the street waving her hands and yelling for help. My instinct was to pull over which I did...as she approached my vehicle, and keep in mind its pitch black out there so I could only see her silhouette illuminated from my brake lights, all of a sudden a car came barreling down on me with its high beams on, coming right at my truck...I sped off as to avoid a collision and the vehicle (an older tan Buick regal with black tinted windows) started following me on a high speed chase...he sped in front of me and sharply veered me off the road ... I immediately dialed 911 and reversed attempting to pass him while he violently swerved to the left and right while slowing down trying to pin me from advancing forward...he eventually skidded perpendicular to me and exited his car, running towards my vehicle while making a motion towards his pocket to pull something out...I immediately saw the opportunity to pass him and drove my truck off the road down a small ditch and was able to clear his vehicle back onto Buckley...punched it to speeds of 100mph , blowing thru stop signs on LOVR and met 3 SLO PD cops that lit me up right when I got on LOVR but failed to stop the perpetrator as he sneakily hopped on the 101 south on ramp. There has been no resolution to this situation due to a jurisdiction thing as Buckley rd is SLO County Sheriffs zone. I say this as I have heard there was a similar scenario of this potential carjacking on Price Canyon so make sure you don’t fall for this ... I was trying to be a good Samaritan and in doing so put myself in a very dangerous situation that I am grateful to have gotten out of without a scratch to myself or my vehicle.