Broad St/Tank Farm Project
May 21, 2020
This project is Mixed-Use Commercial on the corner of Tank Farm and Broad St and Assisted-Living Center on Tank Farm across from Mindbody. The developer requested a Negative Declaration which means they do not have to do an EIR (Environmentental Impact Report). The concerns included: Air Quality/Health Effects; Biological Resources; Land Use & Planning; Noise; and Transportation/Traffic.
The SLO city had to make concessions including: Amendment to the General Plan; Amendment to the Airport area Specific Plan; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 3115; Creek Setback Exception; and architectural design review to allow the phased development of an Assisted Living Facility and commercial development; and a Mitigated Negative Declaration.of environmental review.
This is an example of how the SLO city bends its rules in order to accommodate developers!
PTSL joined a lawsuit to address the concerns.
Due to the litigation, the project was delayed for approval for many months.
PTSL met with SLO city traffic staff to address the concerns on Tank Farm.
Mitigations for traffic flow on Tank Farm were improved but not fully mitigated.
The shopping center will not include a grocery store which was the big concern for traffic.
February 15, 2021
This project has begun and you can see the removal of many trees and clearing of the area. Allan Cooper from Save the Downtown advocated for only removing necessary trees in the way of construction but they are removing all the trees. This is an environmental impact for the city of SLO.